Monday, 12 May 2014

Neil Finn Live at the Royal Festival Hall, London, on 3 May 2014 - Dizzy Heights Tour

I have finally updated my long neglected website of concert reviews (but still hope to add belated accounts of many of the great gigs I've attended). 

I had the pleasure of hearing Neil Finn perform live with an amazing band on the London date of his Dizzy Heights tour, and my detailed, play-by-play account of what I saw and heard is here.   

Should you wish to leave a comment about it, please feel free to do so below.  Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your kind comments, sunlight halo. You're clearly devoted to have travelled across the world to see Neil; makes me feel silly to worry about my relatively short journey home. Sounds like you will have seen some marvellous shows so I hope you're pleased you made the trip.


Thank you for your comments! They will appear after a short delay....